@@ -38,16 +38,21 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
#include "ioprio.h"
#include "logging.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
#include <linux/limits.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <pthread.h>
+#include <pwd.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
#include <systemd/sd-daemon.h>
/* SCHED_ISO may not be defined as it is a reserved value not yet
@@ -65,6 +70,27 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
#define CLAMP(lbound, ubound, value) MIN(MIN(lbound, ubound), MAX(MAX(lbound, ubound), value))
+/* Little helper to safely print into a buffer, returns a pointer into the buffer
+ */
+#define buffered_snprintf(b, s, ...) \
+ (snprintf(b, sizeof(b), s, __VA_ARGS__) < (ssize_t)sizeof(b) ? b : NULL)
+/* Little helper to safely print into a buffer, returns a newly allocated string
+ */
+#define safe_snprintf(b, s, ...) \
+ (snprintf(b, sizeof(b), s, __VA_ARGS__) < (ssize_t)sizeof(b) ? strndup(b, sizeof(b)) : NULL)
+ * Helper function: Test, if haystack ends with needle.
+ */
+static inline const char *strtail(const char *haystack, const char *needle)
+ char *pos = strstr(haystack, needle);
+ if (pos && (strlen(pos) == strlen(needle)))
+ return pos;
+ return NULL;
* The GameModeClient encapsulates the remote connection, providing a list
* form to contain the pid and credentials.
@@ -103,9 +129,9 @@ static GameModeContext instance = { 0 };
static volatile bool had_context_init = false;
-static GameModeClient *game_mode_client_new(pid_t pid);
+static GameModeClient *game_mode_client_new(pid_t pid, char *exe);
static void game_mode_client_free(GameModeClient *client);
-static bool game_mode_context_has_client(GameModeContext *self, pid_t client);
+static const GameModeClient *game_mode_context_has_client(GameModeContext *self, pid_t client);
static int game_mode_context_num_clients(GameModeContext *self);
static void *game_mode_context_reaper(void *userdata);
static void game_mode_context_enter(GameModeContext *self);
@@ -407,21 +433,24 @@ static void game_mode_context_auto_expire(GameModeContext *self)
+ if (game_mode_context_num_clients(self) == 0)
+ LOG_MSG("Properly cleaned up all expired games.\n");
* Determine if the client is already known to the context
-static bool game_mode_context_has_client(GameModeContext *self, pid_t client)
+static const GameModeClient *game_mode_context_has_client(GameModeContext *self, pid_t client)
- bool found = false;
+ const GameModeClient *found = NULL;
/* Walk all clients and find a matching pid */
for (GameModeClient *cl = self->client; cl; cl = cl->next) {
if (cl->pid == client) {
- found = true;
+ found = cl;
@@ -442,6 +471,7 @@ bool game_mode_context_register(GameModeContext *self, pid_t client)
/* Construct a new client if we can */
GameModeClient *cl = NULL;
+ char *executable = NULL;
/* Cap the total number of active clients */
if (game_mode_context_num_clients(self) + 1 > MAX_GAMES) {
@@ -449,27 +479,48 @@ bool game_mode_context_register(GameModeContext *self, pid_t client)
return false;
- cl = game_mode_client_new(client);
- if (!cl) {
- fputs("OOM\n", stderr);
- return false;
+ errno = 0;
+ /* Check the PID first to spare a potentially expensive lookup for the exe */
+ pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&self->rwlock); // ensure our pointer is sane
+ const GameModeClient *existing = game_mode_context_has_client(self, client);
+ if (existing) {
+ static int once = 0;
+ const char *additional_message =
+ (once++
+ ? ""
+ : " -- This may happen due to using exec or shell wrappers. You may want to\n"
+ " -- blacklist this client so GameMode can see its final name here.\n");
+ LOG_ERROR("Addition requested for already known client %d [%s].\n%s",
+ existing->pid,
+ existing->executable,
+ additional_message);
+ pthread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock);
+ goto error_cleanup;
- cl->executable = game_mode_context_find_exe(client);
+ pthread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock);
- if (game_mode_context_has_client(self, client)) {
- LOG_ERROR("Addition requested for already known process [%d]\n", client);
+ /* Lookup the executable first */
+ executable = game_mode_context_find_exe(client);
+ if (!executable)
goto error_cleanup;
- }
/* Check our blacklist and whitelist */
- if (!config_get_client_whitelisted(self->config, cl->executable)) {
- LOG_MSG("Client [%s] was rejected (not in whitelist)\n", cl->executable);
+ if (!config_get_client_whitelisted(self->config, executable)) {
+ LOG_MSG("Client [%s] was rejected (not in whitelist)\n", executable);
goto error_cleanup;
- } else if (config_get_client_blacklisted(self->config, cl->executable)) {
- LOG_MSG("Client [%s] was rejected (in blacklist)\n", cl->executable);
+ } else if (config_get_client_blacklisted(self->config, executable)) {
+ LOG_MSG("Client [%s] was rejected (in blacklist)\n", executable);
goto error_cleanup;
+ /* From now on we depend on the client, initialize it */
+ cl = game_mode_client_new(client, executable);
+ if (cl)
+ executable = NULL; // ownership has been delegated
+ else
+ goto error_cleanup;
/* Begin a write lock now to insert our new client at list start */
@@ -492,7 +543,11 @@ bool game_mode_context_register(GameModeContext *self, pid_t client)
game_mode_apply_ioprio(self, client);
return true;
+ if (errno != 0)
+ LOG_ERROR("Failed to register client [%d]: %s\n", client, strerror(errno));
+ free(executable);
return false;
@@ -529,7 +584,15 @@ bool game_mode_context_unregister(GameModeContext *self, pid_t client)
if (!found) {
- LOG_ERROR("Removal requested for unknown process [%d]\n", client);
+ static int once = 0;
+ const char *additional_message =
+ (once++
+ ? ""
+ : " -- The parent process probably forked and tries to unregister from the\n"
+ " -- wrong process now. We cannot work around this. This message will\n"
+ " -- likely be paired with a nearby 'Removing expired game' which means we\n"
+ " -- cleaned up properly (we will log this event).\n");
+ LOG_ERROR("Removal requested for unknown process [%d].\n%s", client, additional_message);
return false;
@@ -580,9 +643,10 @@ int game_mode_context_query_status(GameModeContext *self, pid_t client)
* This is deliberately OOM safe
-static GameModeClient *game_mode_client_new(pid_t pid)
+static GameModeClient *game_mode_client_new(pid_t pid, char *executable)
GameModeClient c = {
+ .executable = executable,
.next = NULL,
.pid = pid,
@@ -652,19 +716,220 @@ GameModeContext *game_mode_context_instance()
return &instance;
+ * Lookup the process environment for a specific variable or return NULL.
+ * Requires an open directory FD from /proc/PID.
+ */
+static char *game_mode_lookup_proc_env(int proc_fd, const char *var)
+ char *environ = NULL;
+ int fd = openat(proc_fd, "environ", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
+ if (fd != -1) {
+ FILE *stream = fdopen(fd, "r");
+ if (stream) {
+ /* Read every \0 terminated line from the environment */
+ char *line = NULL;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ size_t pos = strlen(var) + 1;
+ while (!environ && (getdelim(&line, &len, 0, stream) != -1)) {
+ /* Find a match including the "=" suffix */
+ if ((len > pos) && (strncmp(line, var, strlen(var)) == 0) && (line[pos - 1] == '='))
+ environ = strndup(line + pos, len - pos);
+ }
+ free(line);
+ fclose(stream);
+ } else
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ /* If found variable is empty, skip it */
+ if (environ && !strlen(environ)) {
+ free(environ);
+ environ = NULL;
+ }
+ return environ;
+ * Lookup the home directory of the user in a safe way.
+ */
+static char *game_mode_lookup_user_home(void)
+ /* Try loading env HOME first */
+ const char *home = secure_getenv("HOME");
+ if (!home) {
+ /* If HOME is not defined (or out of context), fall back to passwd */
+ struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid());
+ if (!pw)
+ return NULL;
+ home = pw->pw_dir;
+ }
+ /* Try to allocate into our heap */
+ return home ? strdup(home) : NULL;
+ * Attempt to resolve the exe for wine-preloader.
+ * This function is used if game_mode_context_find_exe() identified the
+ * process as wine-preloader. Returns NULL when resolve fails.
+ */
+static char *game_mode_resolve_wine_preloader(pid_t pid)
+ char buffer[PATH_MAX];
+ char *proc_path = NULL, *wine_exe = NULL, *wineprefix = NULL;
+ int proc_fd = -1;
+ /* We could use the buffered_snprintf() helper here but it may potentially
+ * overwrite proc_path when the buffer is re-used later and usage of
+ * proc_path has not been discarded yet (i.e., it's used in the fail path).
+ * Let's not introduce this non-obvious pitfall.
+ */
+ if (!(proc_path = safe_snprintf(buffer, "/proc/%d", pid)))
+ goto fail;
+ /* Open the directory, we are potentially reading multiple files from it */
+ if (-1 == (proc_fd = open(proc_path, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)))
+ goto fail_proc;
+ /* Open the command line */
+ int fd = openat(proc_fd, "cmdline", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
+ if (fd != -1) {
+ FILE *stream = fdopen(fd, "r");
+ if (stream) {
+ char *argv = NULL;
+ size_t args = 0;
+ int argc = 0;
+ while (!wine_exe && (argc++ < 2) && (getdelim(&argv, &args, 0, stream) != -1)) {
+ /* If we see the wine loader here, we have to use the next argument */
+ if (strtail(argv, "/wine") || strtail(argv, "/wine64"))
+ continue;
+ free(wine_exe); // just in case
+ /* Check presence of the drive letter, we assume that below */
+ wine_exe = args > 2 && argv[1] == ':' ? strndup(argv, args) : NULL;
+ }
+ free(argv);
+ fclose(stream);
+ } else
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ /* Did we get wine exe from cmdline? */
+ if (wine_exe)
+ LOG_MSG("Detected wine exe for client %d [%s].\n", pid, wine_exe);
+ else
+ goto fail_cmdline;
+ /* Open the process environment and find the WINEPREFIX */
+ errno = 0;
+ if (!(wineprefix = game_mode_lookup_proc_env(proc_fd, "WINEPREFIX"))) {
+ /* Lookup user home instead only if there was no error */
+ char *home = NULL;
+ if (errno == 0)
+ home = game_mode_lookup_user_home();
+ /* Append "/.wine" if we found the user home */
+ if (home)
+ wineprefix = safe_snprintf(buffer, "%s/.wine", home);
+ /* Cleanup and check result */
+ free(home);
+ if (!wineprefix)
+ goto fail_env;
+ }
+ /* Wine prefix was detected, log this for diagnostics */
+ LOG_MSG("Detected wine prefix for client %d: '%s'\n", pid, wineprefix);
+ /* Convert Windows to Unix path separators */
+ char *ix = wine_exe;
+ while (ix != NULL)
+ (ix = strchr(ix, '\\')) && (*ix++ = '/');
+ /* Convert the drive letter to lcase because wine handles it this way in the prefix */
+ wine_exe[0] = (char)tolower(wine_exe[0]);
+ /* Convert relative wine exe path to full unix path */
+ char *wine_path = buffered_snprintf(buffer, "%s/dosdevices/%s", wineprefix, wine_exe);
+ free(wine_exe);
+ wine_exe = wine_path ? realpath(wine_path, NULL) : NULL;
+ /* Fine? Successo? Fortuna! */
+ if (wine_exe)
+ LOG_MSG("Successfully mapped wine client %d [%s].\n", pid, wine_exe);
+ else
+ goto fail;
+ close(proc_fd);
+ free(wineprefix);
+ free(proc_path);
+ return wine_exe;
+ LOG_ERROR("Unable to find wine executable for client %d: %s\n", pid, strerror(errno));
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ LOG_ERROR("Wine loader has no accepted cmdline for client %d yet, deferring.\n", pid);
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ LOG_ERROR("Failed to access process environment in '%s': %s\n", proc_path, strerror(errno));
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ LOG_ERROR("Failed to access process data in '%s': %s\n", proc_path, strerror(errno));
+ goto error_cleanup;
* Attempt to locate the exe for the process.
* We might run into issues if the process is running under an odd umask.
static char *game_mode_context_find_exe(pid_t pid)
- static char proc_path[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
+ char buffer[PATH_MAX];
+ char *proc_path = NULL, *wine_exe = NULL;
- if (snprintf(proc_path, sizeof(proc_path), "/proc/%d/exe", pid) < 0) {
- LOG_ERROR("Unable to find executable for PID %d: %s\n", pid, strerror(errno));
- return NULL;
- }
+ if (!(proc_path = buffered_snprintf(buffer, "/proc/%d/exe", pid)))
+ goto fail;
/* Allocate the realpath if possible */
- return realpath(proc_path, NULL);
+ char *exe = realpath(proc_path, NULL);
+ if (!exe)
+ goto fail;
+ /* Detect if the process is a wine loader process */
+ if (strtail(exe, "/wine-preloader") || strtail(exe, "/wine64-preloader")) {
+ LOG_MSG("Detected wine preloader for client %d [%s].\n", pid, exe);
+ goto wine_preloader;
+ }
+ if (strtail(exe, "/wine") || strtail(exe, "/wine64")) {
+ LOG_MSG("Detected wine loader for client %d [%s].\n", pid, exe);
+ goto wine_preloader;
+ }
+ return exe;
+ wine_exe = game_mode_resolve_wine_preloader(pid);
+ if (wine_exe) {
+ free(exe);
+ exe = wine_exe;
+ return exe;
+ }
+ /* We have to ignore this because the wine process is in some sort
+ * of respawn mode
+ */
+ free(exe);
+ if (errno != 0) // otherwise a proper message was logged before
+ LOG_ERROR("Unable to find executable for PID %d: %s\n", pid, strerror(errno));
+ return NULL;