#include "common-governors.h"
#include "common-helpers.h"
#include "common-logging.h"
+#include "common-power.h"
#include "gamemode.h"
#include "gamemode-config.h"
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ struct GameModeClient {
enum GameModeGovernor {
struct GameModeContext {
@@ -82,6 +84,10 @@ struct GameModeContext {
struct GameModeGPUInfo *stored_gpu; /**<Stored GPU info for the current GPU */
struct GameModeGPUInfo *target_gpu; /**<Target GPU info for the current GPU */
+ bool igpu_optimization_enabled;
+ uint32_t last_cpu_energy_uj;
+ uint32_t last_igpu_energy_uj;
/* Reaper control */
struct {
pthread_t thread;
@@ -219,6 +225,11 @@ static int game_mode_set_governor(GameModeContext *self, enum GameModeGovernor g
gov_str = gov_config_str[0] != '\0' ? gov_config_str : "performance";
+ config_get_igpu_desired_governor(self->config, gov_config_str);
+ gov_str = gov_config_str[0] != '\0' ? gov_config_str : "powersave";
+ break;
assert(!"Invalid governor requested");
@@ -240,6 +251,93 @@ static int game_mode_set_governor(GameModeContext *self, enum GameModeGovernor g
return 0;
+static void game_mode_enable_igpu_optimization(GameModeContext *self)
+ float threshold = config_get_igpu_power_threshold(self->config);
+ /* There's no way the GPU is using 10000x the power. This lets us
+ * short-circuit if the config file specifies an invalid threshold
+ * and we want to disable the iGPU heuristic.
+ */
+ if (threshold < 10000 && get_cpu_energy_uj(&self->last_cpu_energy_uj) &&
+ get_igpu_energy_uj(&self->last_igpu_energy_uj)) {
+ "Successfully queried power data for the CPU and iGPU. "
+ "Enabling the integrated GPU optimization");
+ self->igpu_optimization_enabled = true;
+ }
+static void game_mode_disable_igpu_optimization(GameModeContext *self)
+ self->igpu_optimization_enabled = false;
+static void game_mode_check_igpu_energy(GameModeContext *self)
+ pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&self->rwlock);
+ /* We only care if we're not in the default governor */
+ if (self->current_govenor == GAME_MODE_GOVERNOR_DEFAULT)
+ goto unlock;
+ if (!self->igpu_optimization_enabled)
+ goto unlock;
+ uint32_t cpu_energy_uj, igpu_energy_uj;
+ if (!get_cpu_energy_uj(&cpu_energy_uj) || !get_igpu_energy_uj(&igpu_energy_uj)) {
+ /* We've already succeeded at getting power information once so
+ * failing here is possible but very unexpected. */
+ self->igpu_optimization_enabled = false;
+ LOG_ERROR("Failed to get CPU and iGPU power data\n");
+ goto unlock;
+ }
+ /* The values we query from RAPL are in units of microjoules of energy
+ * used since boot or since the last time the counter rolled over. You
+ * can get average power over some time window T by sampling before and
+ * after and doing the following calculation
+ *
+ * power_uw = (energy_uj_after - energy_uj_before) / seconds
+ *
+ * To get the power in Watts (rather than microwatts), you can simply
+ * divide by 1000000.
+ *
+ * Because we're only concerned with the ratio between the GPU and CPU
+ * power, we never bother dividing by 1000000 the length of time of the
+ * sampling window because that would just algebraically cancel out.
+ * Instead, we divide the GPU energy used in the window (difference of
+ * before and after) by the CPU energy used. It nicely provides the
+ * ratio of the averages and there are no instantaneous sampling
+ * problems.
+ *
+ * Overflow is possible here. However, that would simply mean that
+ * the HW counter has overflowed and us wrapping around is probably
+ * the right thing to do. Wrapping at 32 bits is exactly what the
+ * Linux kernel's turbostat utility does so it's probably right.
+ */
+ uint32_t cpu_energy_delta_uj = cpu_energy_uj - self->last_cpu_energy_uj;
+ uint32_t igpu_energy_delta_uj = igpu_energy_uj - self->last_igpu_energy_uj;
+ self->last_cpu_energy_uj = cpu_energy_uj;
+ self->last_igpu_energy_uj = igpu_energy_uj;
+ if (cpu_energy_delta_uj == 0) {
+ LOG_ERROR("CPU reported no energy used\n");
+ goto unlock;
+ }
+ float threshold = config_get_igpu_power_threshold(self->config);
+ double ratio = (double)igpu_energy_delta_uj / (double)cpu_energy_delta_uj;
+ if (ratio > threshold) {
+ game_mode_set_governor(self, GAME_MODE_GOVERNOR_IGPU_DESIRED);
+ } else {
+ game_mode_set_governor(self, GAME_MODE_GOVERNOR_DESIRED);
+ }
+ pthread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock);
* Pivot into game mode.
@@ -251,7 +349,12 @@ static void game_mode_context_enter(GameModeContext *self)
LOG_MSG("Entering Game Mode...\n");
sd_notifyf(0, "STATUS=%sGameMode is now active.%s\n", "\x1B[1;32m", "\x1B[0m");
- game_mode_set_governor(self, GAME_MODE_GOVERNOR_DESIRED);
+ if (game_mode_set_governor(self, GAME_MODE_GOVERNOR_DESIRED) == 0) {
+ /* We just switched to a non-default governor. Enable the iGPU
+ * optimization.
+ */
+ game_mode_enable_igpu_optimization(self);
+ }
/* Inhibit the screensaver */
if (config_get_inhibit_screensaver(self->config))
@@ -290,6 +393,8 @@ static void game_mode_context_leave(GameModeContext *self)
game_mode_set_governor(self, GAME_MODE_GOVERNOR_DEFAULT);
+ game_mode_disable_igpu_optimization(self);
memset(scripts, 0, sizeof(scripts));
config_get_gamemode_end_scripts(self->config, scripts);
@@ -822,6 +927,9 @@ static void *game_mode_context_reaper(void *userdata)
return NULL;
+ /* Check on the CPU/iGPU energy balance */
+ game_mode_check_igpu_energy(self);
/* Expire remaining entries */