@@ -48,6 +48,16 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
* 2 if gamemode is active and this client is registered
* -1 if the query failed
+ * int gamemode_request_start_for(pid_t pid) - Request gamemode starts for another process
+ * 0 if the request was sent successfully
+ * -1 if the request failed
+ * -2 if the request was rejected
+ *
+ * int gamemode_request_end_for(pid_t pid) - Request gamemode ends for another process
+ * 0 if the request was sent successfully
+ * -1 if the request failed
+ * -2 if the request was rejected
+ *
* const char* gamemode_error_string() - Get an error string
* returns a string describing any of the above errors
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
static char internal_gamemode_client_error_string[512] = { 0 };
@@ -74,12 +86,15 @@ static volatile int internal_libgamemode_loaded = 1;
/* Typedefs for the functions to load */
typedef int (*api_call_return_int)(void);
typedef const char *(*api_call_return_cstring)(void);
+typedef int (*api_call_pid_return_int)(pid_t);
/* Storage for functors */
static api_call_return_int REAL_internal_gamemode_request_start = NULL;
static api_call_return_int REAL_internal_gamemode_request_end = NULL;
static api_call_return_int REAL_internal_gamemode_query_status = NULL;
static api_call_return_cstring REAL_internal_gamemode_error_string = NULL;
+static api_call_pid_return_int REAL_internal_gamemode_request_start_for = NULL;
+static api_call_pid_return_int REAL_internal_gamemode_request_end_for = NULL;
* Internal helper to perform the symbol binding safely.
@@ -145,6 +160,14 @@ __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline int internal_load_libgamemode(void)
(void **)&REAL_internal_gamemode_error_string,
true },
+ { "real_gamemode_request_start_for",
+ (void **)&REAL_internal_gamemode_request_start_for,
+ sizeof(REAL_internal_gamemode_request_start_for),
+ false },
+ { "real_gamemode_request_end_for",
+ (void **)&REAL_internal_gamemode_request_end_for,
+ sizeof(REAL_internal_gamemode_request_end_for),
+ false },
void *libgamemode = NULL;
@@ -273,4 +296,40 @@ __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline int gamemode_query_status(void)
return REAL_internal_gamemode_query_status();
+/* Redirect to the real libgamemode */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) static inline int gamemode_request_start_for(pid_t pid)
+ /* Need to load gamemode */
+ if (internal_load_libgamemode() < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (REAL_internal_gamemode_request_start_for == NULL) {
+ snprintf(internal_gamemode_client_error_string,
+ sizeof(internal_gamemode_client_error_string),
+ "gamemode_request_start_for missing (older host?)");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return REAL_internal_gamemode_request_start_for(pid);
+/* Redirect to the real libgamemode */
+__attribute__((always_inline)) static inline int gamemode_request_end_for(pid_t pid)
+ /* Need to load gamemode */
+ if (internal_load_libgamemode() < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (REAL_internal_gamemode_request_end_for == NULL) {
+ snprintf(internal_gamemode_client_error_string,
+ sizeof(internal_gamemode_client_error_string),
+ "gamemode_request_end_for missing (older host?)");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return REAL_internal_gamemode_request_end_for(pid);