# GameMode **GameMode** is a daemon/lib combo for Linux that allows games to request a set of optimisations be temporarily applied to the host OS. The design has a clear-cut abstraction between the host daemon and library (`gamemoded` and `libgamemode`), and the client loaders (`libgamemodeauto` and `gamemode_client.h`) that allows for safe use without worrying about whether the daemon is installed or running. This design also means that while the host library currently relies on `systemd` for exchanging messages with the daemon, it's entirely possible to implement other internals that still work with the same clients. GameMode was designed primarily as a stop-gap solution to problems with the Intel and AMD CPU powersave or ondemand governors, but is intended to be expanded beyond just CPU governor states, as there are a wealth of automation tasks one might want to apply. Issues with GameMode should be reported here in the issues section, and not reported to Feral directly. --- ## Building and installing GameMode depends on `meson` for building and `systemd` for internal communication. This repo contains a `bootstrap.sh` script to allow for quick install to the user bus, but check `meson_options.txt` for custom settings. ```bash # Ubuntu apt install meson libsystemd-dev pkg-config ninja-build # Arch pacman -S meson systemd ninja git clone https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode.git cd gamemode ./bootstrap.sh ``` --- ## Requesting GameMode ### Users After installing `libgamemodeauto.so` simply preload it into the game: ```bash LD_PRELOAD=/usr/\$LIB/libgamemodeauto.so ./game ``` Or edit the steam launch options: ``` LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD:/usr/\$LIB/libgamemodeauto.so %command% ``` ### Developers You may want to build the request directly into an app. Note that none of these client methods force your users to have the daemon installed or running - they will safely no-op if the host is missing. #### Explicit requests ```C #include "gamemode_client.h" if( gamemode_request_start() < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "gamemode request failed: %s\n", gamemode_error_string() ); } /* run game... */ gamemode_request_end(); // Not required, gamemoded can clean up after game exits ``` #### Implicit requests Simply use the header, but with `GAMEMODE_AUTO` defined. ```C #define GAMEMODE_AUTO #include "gamemode_client.h" ``` Or, distribute `libgamemodeauto.so` and either add `-lgamemodeauto` to your linker arguments, or add it to an LD\_PRELOAD in a launch script. --- ## Components ### Host #### gamemoded Runs in the background, activates game mode on request, refcounts and also checks caller PID lifetime. Accepts `-d` (daemonize) and `-l` (log to syslog). #### libgamemode Internal library used to dispatch requests to the daemon. Note: `libgamemode` should never be linked with directly. ### Client #### libgamemodeauto Simple dynamic library that automatically requests game mode when loaded. Useful to `LD_PRELOAD` into any game as needed. #### gamemode\_client.h Single header lib that lets a game request game mode and handle errors. --- ## Configuration The daemon can currently be configured using a `gamemode.ini` file in `/usr/share/gamemode/`. It will load the file when starting up. An example of what the file could look like is found in the `example` directory. The file parsing uses [inih](https://github.com/benhoyt/inih). --- ## Contributions ### Pull Requests Pull requests must match with the coding style found in the `.clang-format` file, please run this before commiting: ``` clang-format -i $(find . -name '*.[ch]') ``` ### Planned Features * Additional mode-switch plugins * User configuration for local mode-switch plugins * Improved client state tracking (PID is unreliable) * API to query if game mode is active ### Maintained by Marc Di Luzio (Feral Interactive) ### Contributions by Ikey Doherty (Solus Project), Minze Zwerver (Ysblokje) --- ## License Copyright © 2018 Feral Interactive GameMode is available under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License (Revised)