# Convenience library for the duplicated logging functionality common_sources = [ 'logging.c', 'governors-query.c', 'gpu-query.c', ] daemon_common = static_library( 'daemon-common', sources: common_sources, install: false, ) link_daemon_common = declare_dependency( link_with: daemon_common, ) # Main daemon daemon_sources = [ 'main.c', 'gamemode.c', 'gamemode-env.c', 'gamemode-ioprio.c', 'gamemode-proc.c', 'gamemode-sched.c', 'gamemode-wine.c', 'gamemode-tests.c', 'gamemode-gpu.c', 'daemonize.c', 'dbus_messaging.c', 'external-helper.c', 'daemon_config.c', ] gamemoded_includes = libgamemode_includes gamemoded_includes += config_h_dir executable( 'gamemoded', sources: daemon_sources, dependencies: [ link_daemon_common, dep_threads, dep_systemd, inih_dependency, libdl, ], include_directories: gamemoded_includes, install: true, ) # Small target util to get and set cpu governors cpugovctl_sources = [ 'cpugovctl.c', ] cpugovctl = executable( 'cpugovctl', sources: cpugovctl_sources, dependencies: [ link_daemon_common, ], install: true, install_dir: path_libexecdir, ) # Small target util to get and set gpu clocks values gpuclockctl_sources = [ 'gpuclockctl.c', ] gpuclockctl = executable( 'gpuclockctl', sources: gpuclockctl_sources, dependencies: [ link_daemon_common, ], install: true, install_dir: path_libexecdir, )