/* Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Feral Interactive All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Feral Interactive nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include "common-external.h" #include "common-cpu.h" #include "common-helpers.h" #include "common-logging.h" #include "gamemode.h" #include "gamemode-config.h" #include "build-config.h" static int read_small_file (char *path, char **buf, size_t *buflen) { FILE *f = fopen(path, "r"); if (!f) { LOG_ERROR("Couldn't open file at %s (%s), will not apply cpu core parking!\n", path, strerror(errno)); return 0; } ssize_t nread = getline(buf, buflen, f); if (nread == -1) { LOG_ERROR("Couldn't read file at %s (%s), will not apply cpu core parking!\n", path, strerror(errno)); fclose(f); return 0; } fclose (f); while (nread > 0 && ((*buf)[nread - 1] == '\n' || (*buf)[nread - 1] == '\r')) nread--; (*buf)[nread] = '\0'; return 1; } static int walk_sysfs (char *cpulist, char **buf, size_t *buflen, GameModeCPUInfo *info) { char path[PATH_MAX]; unsigned long long max_cache = 0; long from, to; char *list = cpulist; while ((list = parse_cpulist(list, &from, &to))) { for (long cpu = from; cpu < to + 1; cpu++) { int ret = snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%ld/cache/index3/size", cpu); if (ret < 0 || ret >= PATH_MAX) { LOG_ERROR("snprintf failed, will not apply cpu core parking!\n"); return 0; } if (!read_small_file(path, buf, buflen)) return 0; char *endp; unsigned long long cache_size = strtoull (*buf, &endp, 10); if (*endp == 'K') { cache_size *= 1024; } else if (*endp == 'M') { cache_size *= 1024 * 1024; } else if (*endp == 'G') { cache_size *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } else if (*endp != '\0') { LOG_ERROR("cpu L3 cache size (%s) is silly, will not apply cpu core parking!\n", *buf); return 0; } if (cache_size > max_cache) { max_cache = cache_size; CPU_ZERO_S(CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(info->num_cpu), info->to_keep); } if (cache_size == max_cache) CPU_SET_S((size_t)cpu, CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(info->num_cpu), info->to_keep); CPU_SET_S((size_t)cpu, CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(info->num_cpu), info->online); } } return 1; } static int walk_string (char *cpulist, char *config_cpulist, GameModeCPUInfo *info) { long from, to; char *list = cpulist; while ((list = parse_cpulist(list, &from, &to))) { for (long cpu = from; cpu < to + 1; cpu++) { CPU_SET_S((size_t)cpu, CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(info->num_cpu), info->online); if (info->park_or_pin == 0) CPU_SET_S((size_t)cpu, CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(info->num_cpu), info->to_keep); } } list = config_cpulist; while ((list = parse_cpulist(list, &from, &to))) { for (long cpu = from; cpu < to + 1; cpu++) { if (CPU_ISSET_S((size_t)cpu, CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(info->num_cpu), info->online)) { if (info->park_or_pin == 0) CPU_CLR_S((size_t)cpu, CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(info->num_cpu), info->to_keep); else CPU_SET_S((size_t)cpu, CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(info->num_cpu), info->to_keep); } } } return 1; } /** * Attempts to identify the current in use CPU information */ int game_mode_initialise_cpu(GameModeConfig *config, GameModeCPUInfo **info) { /* Verify input, this is programmer error */ if (!info || *info) FATAL_ERROR("Invalid GameModeCPUInfo passed to %s", __func__); /* Early out if we have this feature turned off */ char park_cores[CONFIG_VALUE_MAX]; char pin_cores[CONFIG_VALUE_MAX]; config_get_cpu_park_cores(config, park_cores); config_get_cpu_pin_cores(config, pin_cores); int park_or_pin = -1; if (pin_cores[0] != '\0') { if (strcasecmp (pin_cores, "no") == 0 || strcasecmp (pin_cores, "false") == 0 || strcmp (pin_cores, "0") == 0) { park_or_pin = -2; } else if (strcasecmp (pin_cores, "yes") == 0 || strcasecmp (pin_cores, "true") == 0 || strcmp (pin_cores, "1") == 0) { pin_cores[0] = '\0'; park_or_pin = 1; } else { park_or_pin = 1; } } if (park_or_pin < 1 && park_cores[0] != '\0') { if (strcasecmp (park_cores, "no") == 0 || strcasecmp (park_cores, "false") == 0 || strcmp (park_cores, "0") == 0) { if (park_or_pin == -2) return 0; park_or_pin = -1; } else if (strcasecmp (park_cores, "yes") == 0 || strcasecmp (park_cores, "true") == 0 || strcmp (park_cores, "1") == 0) { park_cores[0] = '\0'; park_or_pin = 0; } else { park_or_pin = 0; } } /* always default to pin */ if (park_or_pin < 0) park_or_pin = 1; char *buf = NULL, *buf2 = NULL; size_t buflen = 0, buf2len = 0; /* first we find which cores are online, this also helps us to determine the max * cpu core number that we need to allocate the cpulist later */ if (!read_small_file("/sys/devices/system/cpu/online", &buf, &buflen)) goto error_exit; long from, to, max = 0; char *s = buf; while ((s = parse_cpulist(s, &from, &to))) { if (to > max) max = to; } /* either parsing failed or we have only a single core, in either case * we cannot optimize anyway */ if (max == 0) goto early_exit; GameModeCPUInfo *new_info = malloc(sizeof(GameModeCPUInfo)); memset(new_info, 0, sizeof(GameModeCPUInfo)); new_info->num_cpu = (size_t)(max + 1); new_info->park_or_pin = park_or_pin; new_info->online = CPU_ALLOC(new_info->num_cpu); new_info->to_keep = CPU_ALLOC(new_info->num_cpu); CPU_ZERO_S(CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(new_info->num_cpu), new_info->online); CPU_ZERO_S(CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(new_info->num_cpu), new_info->to_keep); if (park_or_pin == 0 && park_cores[0] != '\0') { if (!walk_string (buf, park_cores, new_info)) goto error_exit; } else if (park_or_pin == 1 && pin_cores[0] != '\0') { if (!walk_string (buf, pin_cores, new_info)) goto error_exit; } else if (!walk_sysfs (buf, &buf2, &buf2len, new_info)) { goto error_exit; } if (park_or_pin == 0 && CPU_EQUAL_S(CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(new_info->num_cpu), new_info->online, new_info->to_keep)) { game_mode_free_cpu(&new_info); LOG_MSG("cpu L3 cache is uniform, will not apply cpu core parking!\n"); goto error_exit; } if (CPU_COUNT_S(CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(new_info->num_cpu), new_info->to_keep) == 0) { game_mode_free_cpu(&new_info); LOG_MSG("logic or config wanted to park/unpin every single cpu core, will not apply cpu core parking/pinning!\n"); goto error_exit; } /* Give back the new cpu info */ *info = new_info; early_exit: free (buf); free (buf2); return 0; error_exit: free (buf); free (buf2); return -1; } static int log_state (char *cpulist, int *pos, const long first, const long last) { int ret; if (*pos != 0) { ret = snprintf(cpulist+*pos, ARG_MAX - (size_t)*pos, ","); if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= (ARG_MAX - (size_t)*pos)) { LOG_ERROR("snprintf failed, will not apply cpu core parking!\n"); return 0; } *pos += ret; } if (first == last) ret = snprintf(cpulist+*pos, ARG_MAX - (size_t)*pos, "%ld", first); else ret = snprintf(cpulist+*pos, ARG_MAX - (size_t)*pos, "%ld-%ld", first,last); if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= (ARG_MAX - (size_t)*pos)) { LOG_ERROR("snprintf failed, will not apply cpu core parking!\n"); return 0; } *pos += ret; return 1; } /** * Park the unwanted cpu cores when gamemode is active */ int game_mode_park_cpu(const GameModeCPUInfo *info) { if (!info || info->park_or_pin == 1) return 0; long first = -1, last = -1; char cpulist[ARG_MAX]; int pos = 0; for (long cpu = 0; cpu < (long)(info->num_cpu); cpu++) { if (CPU_ISSET_S((size_t)cpu, CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(info->num_cpu), info->online) && !CPU_ISSET_S((size_t)cpu, CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(info->num_cpu), info->to_keep)) { if (first == -1) { first = cpu; last = cpu; } else if (last + 1 == cpu) { last = cpu; } else { if (!log_state (cpulist, &pos, first, last)) return 0; first = cpu; last = cpu; } } } if (first != -1) log_state (cpulist, &pos, first, last); const char *const exec_args[] = { "pkexec", LIBEXECDIR "/cpucorectl", "offline", cpulist, NULL, }; LOG_MSG("Requesting parking of cores %s\n", cpulist); int ret = run_external_process(exec_args, NULL, -1); if (ret != 0) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to park cpu cores\n"); return ret; } return 0; } /** * Restore the parked cpu cores when gamemode is disabled */ int game_mode_unpark_cpu(const GameModeCPUInfo *info) { if (!info || info->park_or_pin == 1) return 0; long first = -1, last = -1; char cpulist[ARG_MAX]; int pos = 0; for (long cpu = 0; cpu < (long)(info->num_cpu); cpu++) { if (CPU_ISSET_S((size_t)cpu, CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(info->num_cpu), info->online) && !CPU_ISSET_S((size_t)cpu, CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(info->num_cpu), info->to_keep)) { if (first == -1) { first = cpu; last = cpu; } else if (last + 1 == cpu) { last = cpu; } else { if (!log_state (cpulist, &pos, first, last)) return 0; first = cpu; last = cpu; } } } if (first != -1) log_state (cpulist, &pos, first, last); const char *const exec_args[] = { "pkexec", LIBEXECDIR "/cpucorectl", "online", cpulist, NULL, }; LOG_MSG("Requesting unparking of cores %s\n", cpulist); int ret = run_external_process(exec_args, NULL, -1); if (ret != 0) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to unpark cpu cores\n"); return ret; } return 0; } void game_mode_apply_core_pinning(const GameModeCPUInfo *info, const pid_t client) { if (!info || info->park_or_pin == 0) return; if (sched_setaffinity(client, CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(info->num_cpu), info->to_keep) != 0) LOG_ERROR("Failed to pin process: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } /* Simply used to free the CPU info object */ void game_mode_free_cpu(GameModeCPUInfo **info) { if (!(*info)) { CPU_FREE((*info)->online); (*info)->online = NULL; CPU_FREE((*info)->to_keep); (*info)->to_keep = NULL; free(*info); *info = NULL; } }