project( 'gamemode', 'c', default_options : ['c_std=c11'], version: '0.2', license: 'BSD', ) cc = meson.get_compiler('c') path_prefix = get_option('prefix') path_bindir = join_paths(path_prefix, get_option('bindir')) path_datadir = join_paths(path_prefix, get_option('datadir')) path_includedir = join_paths(path_prefix, get_option('includedir')) path_libdir = join_paths(path_prefix, get_option('libdir')) # Find systemd via pkgconfig dep_systemd = dependency('libsystemd') # On non glibc systems this might be a stub, i.e. for musl libdl = cc.find_library('dl', required: false) # If the path isn't explicitly set, ask systemd for the systemd user unit directory path_systemd_unit_dir = get_option('with-systemd-user-unit-dir') if path_systemd_unit_dir == '' message('Asking pkg-config for systemd\'s directories') pkgconfig_systemd = dependency('systemd') path_systemd_unit_dir = pkgconfig_systemd.get_pkgconfig_variable('systemduserunitdir') endif with_daemon = get_option('with-daemon') with_examples = get_option('with-examples') # Library is always required subdir('lib') # The daemon can be disabled if necessary, allowing multilib builds of the # main library if with_daemon == true subdir('daemon') # All installed data is currently daemon specific subdir('data') endif # Optionally allow building of examples if with_examples == true subdir('example') endif report = [ ' Build configuration:', ' ====================', '', ' prefix: @0@'.format(path_prefix), ' bindir: @0@'.format(path_bindir), ' datadir: @0@'.format(path_datadir), ' libdir: @0@'.format(path_libdir), ' includedir: @0@'.format(path_includedir), ' systemd user unit directory: @0@'.format(path_systemd_unit_dir), '', ' Options:', ' ========', '', ' daemon: @0@'.format(with_daemon), ' examples: @0@'.format(with_examples), ] # Output some stuff to validate the build config message('\n\n\n' + '\n'.join(report) + '\n\n')