1.2 KB

  1. # Convenience library for the duplicated logging functionality
  2. common_sources = [
  3. 'logging.c',
  4. 'governors-query.c',
  5. ]
  6. daemon_common = static_library(
  7. 'daemon-common',
  8. sources: common_sources,
  9. install: false,
  10. )
  11. link_daemon_common = declare_dependency(
  12. link_with: daemon_common,
  13. )
  14. # Main daemon
  15. daemon_sources = [
  16. 'main.c',
  17. 'gamemode.c',
  18. 'gamemode-env.c',
  19. 'gamemode-ioprio.c',
  20. 'gamemode-proc.c',
  21. 'gamemode-sched.c',
  22. 'gamemode-wine.c',
  23. 'gamemode-tests.c',
  24. 'gamemode-gpu.c',
  25. 'daemonize.c',
  26. 'dbus_messaging.c',
  27. 'governors.c',
  28. 'daemon_config.c',
  29. ]
  30. gamemoded_includes = libgamemode_includes
  31. gamemoded_includes += config_h_dir
  32. executable(
  33. 'gamemoded',
  34. sources: daemon_sources,
  35. dependencies: [
  36. link_daemon_common,
  37. dep_threads,
  38. dep_systemd,
  39. inih_dependency,
  40. libdl,
  41. ],
  42. include_directories: gamemoded_includes,
  43. install: true,
  44. )
  45. # Small target util to get and set cpu governors
  46. cpugovctl_sources = [
  47. 'cpugovctl.c',
  48. ]
  49. cpugovctl = executable(
  50. 'cpugovctl',
  51. sources: cpugovctl_sources,
  52. dependencies: [
  53. link_daemon_common,
  54. ],
  55. install: true,
  56. install_dir: path_libexecdir,
  57. )