790 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. set -e
  3. # Simple script to construct a redistributable and complete tarball of the
  4. # gamemode tree, including the git submodules, so that it can be trivially
  5. # packaged by distributions banning networking during build.
  6. #
  7. # Modified from Ikey Doherty's release scripts for use within
  8. # Feral Interactive's gamemode project.
  9. git submodule init
  10. git submodule update
  11. # Bump in tandem with, run script once new tag is up.
  12. VERSION="1.3"
  13. NAME="gamemode"
  14. ./scripts/ --format tar --prefix ${NAME}-${VERSION}/ --verbose -t HEAD ${NAME}-${VERSION}.tar
  15. xz -9 "${NAME}-${VERSION}.tar"
  16. # Automatically sign the tarball with GPG key of user running this script
  17. gpg --armor --detach-sign "${NAME}-${VERSION}.tar.xz"
  18. gpg --verify "${NAME}-${VERSION}.tar.xz.asc"