# Linux-Zen on Manjaro Maybe you don't know that to install the Linux-zen on manjaro it is not possible through the mirrorlists of the distro (neither through Pacman nor through Yay). But it is possible to circumvent the problem with simple steps. ***Why install zen kernel?*** - It a kernel tuned for performance, aimed at improving performance of desktops at the cost of throughput and power usage. It is also sometimes considered the best kernel for gaming. It has a low latency and high-frequency scheduling. The kernel facilitates faster speeds and features a more optimized scheduler. 1. to install it you need to go to: https://pkgs.org/search/?q=linux-zen ![linux-zen](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34889283/233870450-6cd083f0-48ff-448c-bd42-30b994a49d59.jpg) 2. click on it and go down to the item Download: ![linux-zen1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34889283/233870493-54d09202-de28-4cdf-950d-fbee517812ea.jpg) 3. now write on terminal: wget + link just copied (in this case): ```bash wget https://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/linux/archlinux/extra/os/x86_64/linux-zen-6.2.12.zen1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst ``` 4. once concluded you will have a file that you will have to install using the command: ```bash sudo pacman -U linux-zen-6.2.12.zen1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst ``` 5. finished the installation reboot, and check with the following command if the installation was successful: ```bash uname -r ``` you should get this output: ```bash 6.2.12-zen1-1-zen ``` ***Note: unfortunately to update the kernel, you have to carry out this procedure every time.*** ENJOY!! 😜