gamemode.ini 1.4 KB

  1. [general]
  2. ; The reaper thread will check every 10 seconds for exited clients
  3. reaper_freq=10
  4. ; The desired governor is used when entering GameMode instead of "performance"
  5. desiredgov=performance
  6. ; The default governer is used when leaving GameMode instead of restoring the original value
  7. defaultgov=powersave
  8. ; By default, GameMode changes the scheduler policy to SCHED_ISO with 4 or more CPU cores,
  9. ; force enable or disable with "on" or "off"
  10. softrealtime=auto
  11. ; By default, GameMode renices the client to -4, you can put any value between 1 and 20 here,
  12. ; the value will be negated and applied as a nice value
  13. renice = 4
  14. ; By default, GameMode adjusts the iopriority of clients to BE/0, you can put any value
  15. ; between 0 and 7 here (with 0 being highest priority), or one of the special values
  16. ; "off" (to disable) or "reset" (to restore Linux default behavior based on CPU priority),
  17. ; currently, only the best-effort class is supported thus you cannot set it here
  18. ioprio = 0
  19. [filter]
  20. ; If "whitelist" entry has a value(s)
  21. ; gamemode will reject anything not in the whitelist
  22. ;whitelist=RiseOfTheTombRaider
  23. ; Gamemode will always reject anything in the blacklist
  24. ;blacklist=HalfLife3
  25. ; glxgears
  26. [custom]
  27. ; Custom scripts (executed using the shell) when gamemode starts and ends
  28. ;start=notify-send "GameMode started"
  29. ; /home/me/bin/stop_ethmining.sh
  30. ;end=notify-send "GameMode ended"
  31. ; /home/me/bin/start_ethmining.sh